Saturday Sweatfest 

Bootcamp -9am 

Team WOD -10am    

 Amazing atmosphere as always in our Saturday classes! We kicked things off with the increasingly popular Celtic Bootcamp, where along with our regulars it was lovely to welcome Mel Arlett back to the box, along with a first ever visit to Celtic Crossfit for Jo! Both wasted no time in fitting in and we hope to see you both more frequently in the near future! 

 Then came our Team, Saturday Sweatfest Class….

The pairs had a bit of a family theme today, with mum and son, Joe and Lorna along with farther and son Christian and Jack and brothers Alex and Lawrence all teaming up to tackle this mornings workout! 

The workout itself was great fun! With everyone surpassing their original expectations with regard to movement quality, weight used and final scores! Particular mentions go to Bryn for continuing to work hard in his overhead squat, meaning his movement now allows him to comfortably manage challenging weight on a high volume of reps during workouts. Lorna’s double unders also deserve high praise, she is now linking large chunks together consistently with great speed, despite husband Doffy trying to put her off with some tongue in cheek comments! (He is just a bit threatened by your progress Lorna, he knows you will soon be overtaking him in workouts). Finally it’s great seeing Dave and Tracy continuing their amazing journey back from injury and in many cases surpassing their pre injury quality of movement and strength! 

 Everyone pushed themselves to the limit with this one! And we even had a visit from old friend Pukie for a couple of athletes that I won’t name…. 😏 

Awesome session guys! Well done everyone! 


A simple video courtesy of on the basics of the deadlift. We all know efficiency is king of all movement and the Deadlift is part if tomorrow’s ICON Nutrition Online Championships that start tomorrow. Running as the class WODs on Friday’s for the next 4 weeks.

If not signed up yet the competition is free to register and a good fun perpetration before the CrossFit Open 2015 kicks off and the  Celtic CrossFit Affiliate Cup 2015, where only 1 team will become Box Champions. GET INVOLVED



A) 5 Rounds


Max Pull-up

B) 10 MIN AMRAP Ladder

3-6-9-12…and climbing

Power Clean


C) 100 Plate twist

Are due to Doffy Junior Katie who has bagged herself an A* early in her GCSE Maths. Well done young Warrior.

Also congratulations to Maria Smashing out Kipping pull-ups already and lots of good progress all around by many others in HSPU and Pull-ups.


This Saturday:

Special 4th Anniversary WOD @10am

Celtic Bootcamp open to members and non members @9am




The Countdown is on…
In just a few hours the first workout will be released for the 2014 Crossfit Open! But more importantly for our Celtic Warriors, it also means the announcement of the first workout of our Celtic Affiliate Cup Competition!
Computerised scoring and league tables have been created and the weekly athlete score board has been added to the white board!


All the remains now is to sit back, enjoy and embrace whatever is thrown at us!

Continuation of our open prep…
A) Strict Press
B) Helen
3 Rounds – 400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups



Membership Announcement
We are piloting a new membership system from March, it will require ALLour members to go to the following address.. and create an account. You will also need to fill in the information required and sign the online waiver! This system will hopefully make things easier for you as members and us as coaches moving forward! Thanks for taking the time to do this!


Tonight sees the start of “Burpee Week” at the box
Motivated by the huge amounts of plastic bottles and rubbish left at the box, even after we have pleaded with you to take it home. We have decided to implement one of your favourite exercises in greater volume in our workouts and warm ups this week! We hope that this helps you remember to take things with you when you leave and deters you from repeating these behaviours in future… On the plus side by Sunday you will all be Burpee Ninjas and never fear the dreaded exercises cropping up on the whiteboard when you rock up to a session in future! WE REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY BURPEE WEEK!!

A) 3×5 Back Squat
B) 150 Onto Plate Burpees

Great effort and mental toughness shown by all of our Celtic Warriors this evening to get through such a mentally and physically challenging workout! You have once again demonstrated that you really are physically prepared for anything!


Celtic Crossfit DWF Qualifying WOD 2

10 min time cap to complete…
500m row
HSPU & Deadlift (100kg/70kg)
500m row

Another very busy night at the box! With, once again superb effort, passion and community shown throughout this horrible workout! Great to see so many of you conquering one of our main weaknesses HSPU not long ago very few would have even contemplated taking this on RX’d. Once again this is testament to your hard work and progress of late!! Keep it up guys! Your doing amazing! And making “YOUR” box “The place to be” at the moment!

One of our most improved members with huge potential Bridie, smashing her HSPU

The very impressive Coxy, easing his way through the Deadlifts!

Amazing community, cheering heat 1 through the WOD

Great night again Celtic Warriors!! Post scores to comments…


A good luck to Adam Cox who hit his last WOD as a bachelor this evening. Good luck pal hope you have a great wedding day this Saturday. Best wishes from all at CelticCrossFit


Bench Press 5 x 5
3 x max ring dips

7 min AMRAP
5 deadlift
5 HOG Press ups
5 Box Jumps

Olympic Fun to finish
Partner sprint relay

Post loads reps and rounds to comments;


A decent amount of ‘suck’ tonight at the box with a lovely simple triplet including thrusters.

A movement so simple yet do effective in developing increased work capacity. With its basis is the first movement you ever do with us the squat


The fundamentals of the squat are also essential to the thruster. How many of your thrusters were as functionally sound as the natural ‘baby’ squat above. Where efficient movement is king(CrossFit) the more your movements mirror how nature intended as above, the more work you can will get done every single rep, and the longer you can sustain those movements the more intensity you can bring to your sessions and with this the greater results.



but correct form and full range allow for a far greater amount of work to be done and with that comes the results.

There is no greater exponent of this than the thruster.

With power output easily measured as

Power = Force (load moved) x distance (travelled by that load) / (by the time it took that load to travel that) distance

So you can see how the full range thruster results in a lot of work!

Move well people and keep pursuing that improved movement in all that we do and the endless physical possibilities that come with it!

3 x 12 Press
Max ring rows

200 Double unders (max 4 min)
Power clean

For time

Post loads and times to comments;


With all the rowing gold was quite appropriate to the start of our morning class!




Row 1 Km for time



5 rounds
10 reps each of;

kb swings
box jumps
HOG press ups
overhead sit ups
run 100m.

For Time

A nice little blast to get the weekend under way

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