Beach WOD 

“Beach WOD!!!!” Our GPP cycle continues, with our athletes getting comfortable in the uncomfortable! Not just using odd/ different implements within their training recently, but training in different environments, on different surfaces and at different times of day! Ensuring our Celtic Warriors are able to perform to their full potential whatever the situation! 
Today we took our Saturday SweatFest on the Road to “Coney Beach” for the second year in a row. It is not an easy feat to get a group of cross fitters to travel 40 miles lugging a load of equipment just to workout! But this epitomises the attitude of our community! Everyone was up for the challenge, everyone pulled together, carried equipment, offered lifts and despite a few hiccups with directions, everyone got there ready to train! 

It was also lovely to welcome back two of our favourite members to work out with us! Firstly, Kirsten, one of our earliest members who represented us in team competitions such as London Throwdown! who due to work and family commitments had to move away, but is obviously not lost her engine! Kirsten is an amazing runner and body weight ninja, so there is no surprised paired with the ever improving Shazza she smashed this workout! 

We also welcomed back Angharad, another life long Celtic Warrior, that was really starting to get into competing before she also had to move to pastures new, due to work commitments. It’s great to see that she has continued to work hard at her new box and is obviously reaping the rewards! She is stronger and fitter than ever! It was awesome to catch up with you both ladies! We all miss you loads! 
Then there was the workout…. 

In pairs…. 

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

42 x Dumbell Snatches

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

42x OH Sit Ups 

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

42x OH Lunges

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

30x Dumbell Snatches

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

30x OH Sit Ups 

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

30x OH Lunges

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

18 x Dumbell Snatches

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

18x OH Sit Ups 

1x Beach run into sea swim/ run 

18x OH Lunges

Amazing determination and encouragement in the sun by everyone! Especially as the tide was going out, which meant the runs got further each round… 😰 (This of course was planned, reps decrease/ run increases 😏) 

Ross and Matty lead the way with the best time, but everyone did incredibly well! Erika and Maria smashed every run and their movement was superb throughout! I think Owen just pipped Iwan in the first father son battle, but Joe definitely smashed dad Doffy in their family competition! A final mention must go to Anna McNally, her enthusiasm and attitude is contagious, she even wanted to do an extra run once we had finished! “Crazy!”I hope everyone enjoyed getting out of the box and into a different environment for the day! 



Warrior Wednesday WOD   

     A) HSPU / HS Walk

B) teams of 3 (25 min cap) 

50 sandbag / empty barbell bear complex (1 team member held off floor)

75 HSPU/ strict press, partner holds plank 

200 double unders partner holds handstand/ front support 

200m sand bag relay 

(Score = amount of distance covered on time cap) 

Each time you switch partners or break x 4 synchronised burpees

Another amazing night of Celtic Warrior AWESOMENESS in Wariir Wednesday, gymnastic skills progressing accross the box nicely. With continued upside down work today. 

Biggest mentions deserved for Becky and Zoe both overcoming their fears to learn a new skill. Becks on Video but Zoe a tad camera shy.

Nat Arlett, Stewart and young Josh for nailing their headstands.

Matty, Vicky, Kelly Aherne/Foucher, Liam and Hannah (have said it before and will say it again- this couple have skills!) on huge strides literally on handstand walks.

Kira, Claudia and Vicky Barry for DU progress.

Also another BIG hand(stand) to Mr and Mrs Geeves for – Mr his best teapot stance see action pic above and Bridie for awesome support getting Becky past her fear of handstands to mastering them tonight.


Weekend Warriors
Another big turn out for our Saturday Morning Team Workout. Every one of our Celtic Warriors smashed it! All of our Coaching Team at Celtic Crossfit want to wish you all a Very Happy Easter! and remind you that we will be open as normal throughout Sunday and the Bank Holiday!



800m Team Run
60 Hang Power Snatch
90 Burpees
500m KB Farmers Carry
90 Ring Pressups
800m Team Run



And by special request from Zoe…


Also… Don’t forget, our young, future superstar “Little Rob” will be representing us in a Crossfit Teens Competition at Crossfit Caerphilly tomorrow! it starts at 10am for anyone keen to go watch and support!

You have all our support and Best wishes buddy! Enjoy the experience of your first (of many) competitions!




B) Front Squat


1- pull-up

2- hspu

3- pullup

4- hspu


Celtic CrossFit Affiliate Cup Winners announcement Monday.

Presentation to the winners.

Who will it be?


The Countdown is on…
In just a few hours the first workout will be released for the 2014 Crossfit Open! But more importantly for our Celtic Warriors, it also means the announcement of the first workout of our Celtic Affiliate Cup Competition!
Computerised scoring and league tables have been created and the weekly athlete score board has been added to the white board!


All the remains now is to sit back, enjoy and embrace whatever is thrown at us!

Continuation of our open prep…
A) Strict Press
B) Helen
3 Rounds – 400m run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups



Membership Announcement
We are piloting a new membership system from March, it will require ALLour members to go to the following address.. and create an account. You will also need to fill in the information required and sign the online waiver! This system will hopefully make things easier for you as members and us as coaches moving forward! Thanks for taking the time to do this!


Excited yet?


A) Snatch

B) Nancy

5 Rounds

Run 400m

15 OHS

Timetable amendment this weekend only

For this Sunday Only there will unfortunately be no Pilates other classes will run as normal

9.30-10.30 CrossFit Class

10.30-11.30 Barbell