Oly Lifts & Skillz 

Oly Lifts and Skillz tonight @Celtic Crossfit  
Great work by Rhys Guard continuing to show ninja like skills, today was his 1st ever WOD using bar MU and destroying them unbroken in rounds of 7-5s.
He also clocked up the Fastest time of night. He just keeps on getting better!!! 

Katie Doff gets another mention for great kipping form on her pull-ups linking large chunks and getting better as WOD went on. 

Our fastest ladies time this evening went to Nat Tanner! Like Rhys, she is another unassuming athlete that continues to go from strength to strength!! 

Then we come to the barbell… Where Jo,Tracy and Aimee came to the fore for the ladies showing consistently smooth form throughout their lifts and it was great to see Kathleen cycling the Bb well after her return from globetrotting. 

Not to be outdone the boys also put a shift in with their cleans! Little Robs speedy return from his nasty road accident was great to see! as he and bully worked incredibly hard on speed under the bar and hitting full hip extension throughout every lift! 

And a final special mention goes to member no.1 Bridie for no repping husband and member no.2 Geeves on his press ups, that really is True Love!


The newest members to our Celtic Crossfit Community completed their final On Ramp class this evening and are now fully fledged Celtic Warriors! You will all now have the pleasure of meeting and training with these guys in class and I’m sure you will be looking forward to introducing yourself in true Celtic Crossfit style! I hope our new members enjoy the rest of their first month with us and make the most of learning from and working with our inspiring coaches and members! 

You have been a pleasure to induct into our community! Now the real fun begins! 

Future Superstars

Today also saw us welcome back Newport Schools U 15’s for their weekly pre season strength and conditioning sessions. These boys have progressed at an unbelievable rate over the past four weeks. Witnessing them master physical literacy along with substantial betterment of movement patterns, core strength and work capacity has been a pleasure! And there is plenty more to come in the remaining few weeks with us! Great effort today boys! (Don’t forget for more of the same, our teen classes are available to all of you, Monday, Wednesday & Friday 3-4pm) 


(Sorry backs your pic didn’t come out 😢) 

As for classes ….. 

Tonight had an in depth mobility focus on one of our problem areas, the overhead squat. Coach Ross utilised a variety of mobility exercises to, in many cases drastically improve foot and hip position, during the squat, as well as upper back, lats and shoulders in the overhead position. This again proved a huge eye opener to some and once again highlighted the importance of core strength and mobility to conquer this movement. (This will be an area of focus in our up coming mobility seminar, don’t forget to sign up at the box, ask a coach for more info.) 

Top time this evening went to Sam, who continues to impress! Even superman had his cryptonite, but we are yet to find anything to slow this guy down!! Sam was closely followed by the ever improving, hard working, Matty. There was also Awesome work from Hannah completing the workout under cap including 10 rounds of un-assissted pull ups!!! An Amazing achievement!! Our final shout out goes to Claudia. Claudia is an athlete that likes to fly under the radar, but I’m afraid, when putting the first class, hard work that she has of late, not only RX’ing nearly every workout these days, but demonstrating amazing resilience and perseverance to ensure almost flawless form throughout each workout, she definitely deserves a mention. Keep it up Clauds!  

A)OHS Clinic 

B) 10 Rounds

X5 OHS, x7 pull ups, 100m Sprint 

C) 3x max effort banded pull downs 



Tonight @CelticCrossFit… Burpee week continues…

You will be pleased to know we have had a grand total of Zero water bottles and or rubbish left at the box since burpee week has begun!

A) 3×3 Front squat
B) Pairs WOD
1km Run
100 Thrusters
60 Pull ups
1 km Run
100 Burpees
60 Ring dips



A) OTMEM for 5 mins
1 Muscle Snatch
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
X3 rounds increasing the weight each round


B) 5 Min AMRAP
3 Thrusters
3 Pull ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull ups

We also witnessed a Jones brother Snatch off! Can’t wait to see who has the biggest snatch in Open WOD 13.1 !



Celtic Crossfit Qualifying WOD 3

We come to the third of our qualifying workouts for our 2012 DWF Team. Tonight… An AMRAP including an Olympic lift, a strength based gymnastic movement and a sprint! Altogether resulting in another horrible concoction!

Coach Reevesy Warming up our first set of athletes…

12 min AMRAP
6 Squat Snatch (50/35kg)
6 Chest to bar pull ups
200m Run

Big Dave hates a snatch, but showed true grit and determination to power through to an impressive score tonight

Mini Meatball AKA Liv demonstrating amazing tekkers in every one of her lifts!

Heat 4 of 5 smashing the C2b pull ups
Remember to post rounds in comments…


Congratulations to Kiwi Suze Jones who made her 1st trip to the top of the rope this evening. Well done bro!

Yes that is a huge smile at the top.

Gymnastic weakness practice

1min rest
X 6

‘chesty Cindy’
10 min AMRAP
5 chest to bar pull ups
10 hand release press ups
15 Squats

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