
Congratulations Coach Simone!!!

Defending Welsh and British Champion, Coach Simone entered her second Welsh Powerlifting Championship yesterday and once again surpassed even her own very high expectations with her performance.
Leading up to the competition, Simone was struggling with a shoulder injury, that has really hindered her preparation in all three lifts, but particularly her bench press. Despite this, Coach Sim prevailed! With her positive, resilient and never say die attitude that optimises the toughest Celtic Warrior, Coach Simone Not only retained her title and qualified for the British Championship with ease!!! But in the process broke her own Welsh, British and European Records in 2 of the 3 lifts.
Coach Simone’s total was also a British record even though she chose to only perform one comfortable lift on the bench press to manage her injury!



We are all sooooo proud of her! The entire Celtic community have sent messages of support and congratulations and will be fully supporting her preparations for further achievements, maybe even World records at the upcoming British Championships! She continues to inspire our Celtic warriors and Warriorettes in her coaching, performance and probably most importantly her warm caring nature!
It doesn’t go unnoticed!!


Well Done Coach Simone!

Tonight’s Classes
A) Build up to a Heavy 2 rep Touch and go Snatch
B) 21 Power Snatch, burpees, Pull Ups
15 Overhead Squats, burpees, Pull Ups
9 Full Snatch, burpees, Pull Ups
(10 min Cap)


Congratulations to Matty, hitting a new PB of a 60kg snatch not just for 1 rep but almost for 2 T&G reps!

February On Ramp
We still have some spaces on our February On Ramp course


For further info. Contact us at celticcrossfit@hotmail.co.uk or on Facebook, or tweet us @celticcrossfit


A) OTMEM for 5 mins
1 Muscle Snatch
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
X3 rounds increasing the weight each round


B) 5 Min AMRAP
3 Thrusters
3 Pull ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull ups

We also witnessed a Jones brother Snatch off! Can’t wait to see who has the biggest snatch in Open WOD 13.1 !



Tonight sees us continue our week of Open Workouts from previous years.. Today saw our Celtic Warriors tackle 11.1 Power snatch and Double unders after some heavy squats!

A) 5×3 Back Squat

B) 10 Min AMRAP
15 Power Snatch
30 Double Unders



More of our ladies smashing tonight’s WOD joined by …. A mini meatball!!

Great Work Ladies!!


Celtic Crossfit Qualifying WOD 3

We come to the third of our qualifying workouts for our 2012 DWF Team. Tonight… An AMRAP including an Olympic lift, a strength based gymnastic movement and a sprint! Altogether resulting in another horrible concoction!

Coach Reevesy Warming up our first set of athletes…

12 min AMRAP
6 Squat Snatch (50/35kg)
6 Chest to bar pull ups
200m Run

Big Dave hates a snatch, but showed true grit and determination to power through to an impressive score tonight

Mini Meatball AKA Liv demonstrating amazing tekkers in every one of her lifts!

Heat 4 of 5 smashing the C2b pull ups
Remember to post rounds in comments…


A very intense, worthwhile snatch clinic tonight! Hopefully you guys are starting to understand the mechanics of this technical lift and now have some ideas as to how we can work on the weaker aspects of it.

Skills/ Strength
A) 4X3 Snatch pull
B) 4×3 Snatch balance
C) 4×3 Pendlay row

Coach Reevesy and class 2 braving the elements for an outside Burgner warm up….
20 burpee buy in…
15 Power snatch @50kg
15 Box Jumps @30″
10 Hang Power snatch @50kg
10 Box Jumps @30″
5 Squat snatch @50kg
5 Box Jumps @30″
A tough WOD again, really working a weakness! Very impressed with some of the tekkers of late! Keep up the amazing work team! Big mention to Nic, who displayed perfect technique throughout! A pleasure to watch!!
Cheeky Finisher
In pairs…
6 min AMRAP – Barbell Turkish Get Ups

Post your scores in comments…
PS. Keep your eye out on here for some very very exciting news coming up in the next day or two! 😉


Thank you Gremlin



A few minutes in the kitchen and some tasty paleo this evening- some pork sweet potato and apple patties courtesy of the gremlins link accompanied with a boiled egg a nice meal containing protein, veg, fruit and the essential to keep you feeling fuller, fat.

Plus a creation of my own macadamia and date paleo brownies for some paleo treatage. And I am not usually a fan or do i spend much time cooking, unless it is a nice steak!

Remember anything on the sweeter side must still be eaten in moderation as any ‘treat’ should be especially during the first week or two as your body tries to adjust!! Not just replacing lots of your meals/snacks with ‘Paleo’ versions of your old sweet favourites. A sweet tooth is a Bitch to cure, sticking to paleo meals and snacks that contain a source of protein (meat/fish/eggs), fat (nuts/seeds/paleo oils/avocados) fruit, vegetables each time as much as you can is a must otherwise you are really changing nothing about your food habits.

Remember this is a food choice transformation as well as a body and performance transformation. For you to look differently at how you approach and choose the food you put in your mouth and as a result fuel your body. Make changes for the better and for the long term keep it up people be wise with your body’s fuel!!

Feel free to bring any creations you create to the box for others to try and share your ideas and tastes (also it will stop you eating a full paleo chocolate pie to yourself Bevs? We are a community here. Ha!)

Snatch practice

3 sets
4 strict HSPU into max kipping HSPU

5 Rounds
6 Power snatch
10 Box jumps
15 HOG press ups

(bonus: if press ups are paused/broken a 3 Burpee penalty to buy back in before continuing the WOD)

For Time

Post times and keep sharing the paleo love and scores to comments;



Something’s going well here at the box with some of the PR’s on the PR board?! Clean off tomorrow and ready for a shit load more improvements next month too. Well done guys.


2 x power snatch on the minute for 10 minutes

20 Min AMRAP
10 Kb snatch(each arm)
50 Double unders
Run 1km

Post rounds to comments;