6.6.16 #BacktoWork

Book now to our On Ramp Introduction to CrossFit classes starting tomorrow @7.30pm

Contact us via Email at


For more information and booking info on our On ramp programme or for further information on;

  • Celtic Weightlifting Club
  • Celtic Bootcamp
  • Personal training 
  • Sport specific conditioning

After a fun bank holiday and half term week of Sun by many our Celtic Warriors were back to the hard work of constant improvement today at the Box


1) 8 Sets

2 push Jerk

2 split 

Every 90s
2) 1min AMRAP of each 


-HPC 50/35



X 3

Hot and sweaty one for the Celtic warriors. 

Good pairs workout and everyone encouraged and cheering each other on and working hard. 

Top work by Leighton getting out a load of HSPUs strict. 

Lorna moving like a ninja in the wod, forever improving her clean technique.


On Ramp starts Tuesday – be a part of the fitness Revolution

Click here to receive more information on June’s Introduction to CrossFit

Another awesome day at the box with a packed and always sweaty Bootcamp 

Followed by another quality Weightlifting session with Coach Christie on her triumphant coaching return, from the successfull Junior Battle in Austria over the weekend, congratulations guys.

Yet another night of improvement in Celtic Weightlifting in the books. With Wave 2 done and Wave 3 ready to commence on Monday


A huge week from team 7 bumping them 2 places up the leader board by picking up big position points in both RX and scaled divisions this week! 

But can anyone pull it out of the bag this week and jump ahead of pace setters team 4!!?? 

Participation points are going to be vital this week for final placings!! 
Our Spirit points for last week were awarded to… 
Abi for taking the lead and organising an amazing buffet!! Louise batty for completing the workout in another affiliate while away with work.. Using road signs and sand filled wall balls to get it done! 

Anna McNally for overcoming fears and going RX last min and getting a fab score finishing 5th in the WOD! Finally Tracy Davies for smashing an awesome score topping the women’s leaderboard! despite not long having shoulder surgery and more importantly only just mastering efficient RX HSPU last week! 

*LAST BIG PUSH TONIGHT GUYS! Let’s finish with a BANG!!!*

13.3.15 #16.3

The Celtic CrossFit 2 Affiliate Cup is hotting up and it was another awesome weekend for 16.3 with plenty of members hitting their first ever bar muscle ups and smashing the workout. 

Starting off with yet another action packed #fridaynightlights and then following on to Saturday and lots of our #celticwarriors getting up on a Sunday to either hit the workout, cheer on or judge. 


Kev Gibson, Ben black during WOD after getting his 1st the day before, Mark Yeandle, Alex Jones all hitting bar muscle ups for the first time, also Nat C hitting her first post baby muscle ups.

And always awesome to see John Stone working at the box post Heart Surgery. Inspirational

Then returning on Sunday after disappointment on Friday getting some Bar Muscle Up prior and post 16.3 fir one of our longest serving members, Jo Williams. Hitting her first ever bar muscle up Friday then go on to hit more during 16.3. Awesome stuff guys!!!


Tonight saw an opportunity for our #celticwarriors to test the thruster and then hit a sneaky couplet. 

Loads of pb’s tonight on the 1RM thruster. Ryan, Kelly, Rob, Nat, Nic, Leighton, Georgia, Geeves, Tracey, Maria, Vix, Will to name a few. The list goes on. Though couplet with heavier thruster than people are used to for this rep range. Everyone pushed themselves to the absolute limit. Top work by all. Little Rob taking top time of the night. Mention to Nic who made it up and over the box for the whole wod, sometimes in her own unique ‘Nic’ way.

A) 1Rm thruster 

B) 21-15-9


Box jump overs
***Nutrition Reminder***

This Wednesday sees the Nutrition Seninar with Mike Catris of Kratos Nutrition 6-8pm

Payment required guys – fantastic opportunity to get your learn on and make the most of your hard work in the gym by optimising how you prepare and use the underpinning factor 



Saturday Sweatfest & Celtic BootcampĀ 


 Another fab Saturday @Celtic Crossfit, starting with our ever popular Celtic bootcamp followed by a very tough Sweatfest class! 

With a large amount of our Celtic community up supporting the 4 Celtic Crossfit Teams taking part in Wild West Winter Slam Competition, it was amazing to see so many of you in classes this morning! 

Bootcamp once again pushed our athletes to their limits! And in turn brought out the very best in all who participated! Especially Louis Alonzi ,who is slowly winning his battle to regain fitness after a long lay off. Another worthy mention goes to possibly our most dedicated member at present, Ryan Wilton, who has literally transformed his physique and all round fitness through dedication and determination! He very rarely misses a session and is working tirelessly to improve his skills and weaknesses at every opportunity! 






Next came Saturday Sweatfest…. Which brought PR’s a plenty followed by a very tasty Annie and Grace Mash up! congrats to Tracy and Alex who hit PR’s in Both Deadlift and Push Press and not to be out done Alex’s younger brother Laurence also hit a 5 rm push press pr! Another feat certainly mention worthy is Haith, that managed to link kipping pull-ups together in a workout for the first time! Another example of hard work and practice paying dividends 

Affiliate cup 2016 

The affiliate cup draws nearer and we are pleased to announce the 10 team captains!!! Congratulations guys! And good luck …. 

Team draws and rules to follow shortly 
Affiliate Cup Captains 2016  


Great to see so many of our latest graduating On Ramp Class already in for their first session the day after completing the course!! Welcome to the community guys! Tonight
Open Gym was an honarary ladies class and mother and baby city as Thea Carter and Tommy Cook  came along to cheer on super mums Nat and Kelly as they took on today’s class workout accompanied by Fern, Fran and Tracy. All ladies absolutely smashed the session! With Fern, Nat and Tracy making the 75 pull ups look easy! 

A) 3×10 Push Press 

B) 25 Power Snatch

25 C2B Pull ups

25 OHS

25 C2B Pull ups

25 Thrusters 

25 C2B Pull ups

Then in classes….

Big numbers in the press for many of our members tonight, including Maria, Kelly, Alex, Dave, Emma and Kathleen! Followed by an amazing race to the finish in today’s “Sick WOD” that saw Matty just pip Master Doff by a few seconds! Thrilling finish to another top session! 

Oly Lifts & SkillzĀ 

Oly Lifts and Skillz tonight @Celtic Crossfit  
Great work by Rhys Guard continuing to show ninja like skills, today was his 1st ever WOD using bar MU and destroying them unbroken in rounds of 7-5s.
He also clocked up the Fastest time of night. He just keeps on getting better!!! 

Katie Doff gets another mention for great kipping form on her pull-ups linking large chunks and getting better as WOD went on. 

Our fastest ladies time this evening went to Nat Tanner! Like Rhys, she is another unassuming athlete that continues to go from strength to strength!! 

Then we come to the barbell… Where Jo,Tracy and Aimee came to the fore for the ladies showing consistently smooth form throughout their lifts and it was great to see Kathleen cycling the Bb well after her return from globetrotting. 

Not to be outdone the boys also put a shift in with their cleans! Little Robs speedy return from his nasty road accident was great to see! as he and bully worked incredibly hard on speed under the bar and hitting full hip extension throughout every lift! 

And a final special mention goes to member no.1 Bridie for no repping husband and member no.2 Geeves on his press ups, that really is True Love!

Warrior WednesdayĀ 


It was lovely to welcome back so many members from their holidays this evening! All showing off their great tans and all no doubt regretting that extra desert or glass of wine now they are back in main classes! 

We also got to welcome back the fabulous Nic Jones! One of our most loved members over the years! And it was as if she had never been away, helping her team to smash tonight’s long sweaty chipper! 


In teams of 2, 3 or 4 

40min AMRAP 

100 cal Row 

150 Burpees 

150 Dumbell GTOH 

200m Lunge walk 

400m Sprint 

*One athlete performing sit ups throughout

Our best score by a pair goes to Ross and Matty 
  best score in 3’s Drewy Bryn and Dave 

 And our top group of four went to Kelly Maidment, Nat Arlett, Jenny and Nic Jones 
Amazing attitude displayed throughout a very challenging workout by everyone! It was fab to see such teamwork and encouragement by all! 

 It was awesome to witness!!! Especially the Excellent competition from two of our ladies teams in class one. After being neck and neck throughout the workout- Jo, Sharon and Kelly Aherne just pipped fern, Kelly Cook and Natalie tanner by 4 cals in the final seconds of the workout! Amazing competitive attitude and teamwork shown throughout!


27.8.15 #Cleans&PBs

Today saw another great day of sessions at the box. With PRs to start the day at DP another 2 sessions of Strength and Conditioning from their pre season summer block. With plenty exiting opportunities and developments to come for our promising youngsters.

PM classes carried on the standard set by dawn patrol with lots of PRs being chalked up.

In class 1 it was the youngers (Max, Alex and Euan) who were demonstrating superb technique in there cleans. Can’t wait to see some of them in the upcoming Welsh teen throw down. 

In class 2 Abbi nearly surpassed her 1RM for a triple and bully and Sam hitting some big numbers. 

Class 3 carried on the theme with Claudia, lorna, Hannah and Ami hitting new PRs. 



Liam powering through his 3reps  

 Hannah in the process of her new 3RM

 karl working on his setup 

 Sam and bully getting as close as possible šŸ˜‰ whilst getting their pump on šŸ’ŖšŸ˜

 Ami and lorna recovering before hitting their new PRs. 


A) 3 RM Power Clean

B) 3 Rounds

1 min each

Row Cals

Plate twist

Close grip ring rows


27.8.15 #StrengthinDepth15

Today we saw everybody hit SiD Qualifier #1.

SiD is a unique competition looking for boxes with much larger teams than normal to compete to qualify for the Final.

We are proud to say we had plenty of interest in the box to field a team that requires a minimum of 12 per box including male female and masters competitors.

Showing how the hugely Improved ability of our warriors and in fact the confidence in their own abilities. To put themselves forward to  compete and try to gain qualification to the Final in the quality venue of Bath University on 28-29th of November. 

It has begun and we look forward to competing as a box in this unique Competition.





Drew and Ross quickest time so far and stu first ever RX’d workout. 

Mike’s movement getting a lot better consistently across all movements.

Vicky B getting back into the swing of things after hols making 30kg ground to overhead look like a toothpick 

Matty and Erika quickest over bar burpees.