Couplet From Hell …. 

Wow… What a night at the box!! It started in our bonus open gym session, where Gavin Howells hit a new 1rm Push jerk of 120kg. 
Followed by some fun in our strength session of Barbell Step ups. Especially from Owen Davies, lifting more than most of our bigger lifters and moving very well in the process! And Maria and Aimee moving well with more weight than most of our men had on the barbell. 

Then came a very nasty test of anaerobic capacity and recovery levels in the form of a lung sapping, repeated couplet of Barbell Clusters and burpees! It was amazing to see so many of you cycling the barbell with such efficiency. Emma Bradley, Tracy and Kathleen in particular making huge progress in their clean. Maria and Vicky really grasped the stimulus of this workout and hit it hard from the outset, the competitive nature of these ladies is really helping them progress in class! There are a few more athletes that deserve a shout out… First of all little Rob for not letting injury deter him from training Scaling and substituting movements to ensure that the same stimulus could be achieved. 

Secondly Tyla for the fastest burpees of the evening and thirdly Steph for not giving up even though this workout took her to a very bad place! I hope she feels stronger and better for her amazing perseverance and resilience, you should feel very proud Steph! 



A) 5×10 Barbell Step Ups 

B) 5 min AMRAP – 6x Clusters, 6x Burpees (90 sec rest) x3 rounds 

Then after class we had Our Awesome August On Rampers smashing tonight’s workout! Already getting to grips with the attitude and community spirit that it takes to become a Celtic Warrior! A true pleasure meeting and coaching you guys this evening, some huge potential in this group! Well done! Can’t wait to see you in main classes! #augustonramp #celticcrossfit

And finally during a fab evening I leave you with a little advice from Vicky Smith…. 

“Don’t be so scared just get it up”



Congratulations Coach Simone!!!

Defending Welsh and British Champion, Coach Simone entered her second Welsh Powerlifting Championship yesterday and once again surpassed even her own very high expectations with her performance.
Leading up to the competition, Simone was struggling with a shoulder injury, that has really hindered her preparation in all three lifts, but particularly her bench press. Despite this, Coach Sim prevailed! With her positive, resilient and never say die attitude that optimises the toughest Celtic Warrior, Coach Simone Not only retained her title and qualified for the British Championship with ease!!! But in the process broke her own Welsh, British and European Records in 2 of the 3 lifts.
Coach Simone’s total was also a British record even though she chose to only perform one comfortable lift on the bench press to manage her injury!



We are all sooooo proud of her! The entire Celtic community have sent messages of support and congratulations and will be fully supporting her preparations for further achievements, maybe even World records at the upcoming British Championships! She continues to inspire our Celtic warriors and Warriorettes in her coaching, performance and probably most importantly her warm caring nature!
It doesn’t go unnoticed!!


Well Done Coach Simone!

Tonight’s Classes
A) Build up to a Heavy 2 rep Touch and go Snatch
B) 21 Power Snatch, burpees, Pull Ups
15 Overhead Squats, burpees, Pull Ups
9 Full Snatch, burpees, Pull Ups
(10 min Cap)


Congratulations to Matty, hitting a new PB of a 60kg snatch not just for 1 rep but almost for 2 T&G reps!

February On Ramp
We still have some spaces on our February On Ramp course


For further info. Contact us at or on Facebook, or tweet us @celticcrossfit


Weekend Warriors
Another big turn out for our Saturday Morning Team Workout. Every one of our Celtic Warriors smashed it! All of our Coaching Team at Celtic Crossfit want to wish you all a Very Happy Easter! and remind you that we will be open as normal throughout Sunday and the Bank Holiday!



800m Team Run
60 Hang Power Snatch
90 Burpees
500m KB Farmers Carry
90 Ring Pressups
800m Team Run



And by special request from Zoe…


Also… Don’t forget, our young, future superstar “Little Rob” will be representing us in a Crossfit Teens Competition at Crossfit Caerphilly tomorrow! it starts at 10am for anyone keen to go watch and support!

You have all our support and Best wishes buddy! Enjoy the experience of your first (of many) competitions!


Tonight sees the start of “Burpee Week” at the box
Motivated by the huge amounts of plastic bottles and rubbish left at the box, even after we have pleaded with you to take it home. We have decided to implement one of your favourite exercises in greater volume in our workouts and warm ups this week! We hope that this helps you remember to take things with you when you leave and deters you from repeating these behaviours in future… On the plus side by Sunday you will all be Burpee Ninjas and never fear the dreaded exercises cropping up on the whiteboard when you rock up to a session in future! WE REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY BURPEE WEEK!!

A) 3×5 Back Squat
B) 150 Onto Plate Burpees

Great effort and mental toughness shown by all of our Celtic Warriors this evening to get through such a mentally and physically challenging workout! You have once again demonstrated that you really are physically prepared for anything!


Tonight we hit Open WOD 13.1 ..
In 17 minutes…
40 Burpees
30 snatch 35/20kg
30 Burpees
30 Snatch 60/35kg
20 Burpees
30 Snatch 75/45kg
10 Burpees
As many Snatches as possible @ 90kg in time remaining

An amazing effort by our Celtic Warriors hitting the first Open Workout of 2013 very hard!! The box was buzzing! And we saw some big PR’s in the snatch!, even after hitting all those burpees and lighter snatches first.. Just goes to show what you can achieve in that environment! With your community behind you! We will be open tomorrow 9:30-12pm and Sunday morning 11:30-12:30pm for others to take their turn at hitting it! Bring your A Game and hit the burpees hard!

20130308-223920.jpgLifting Weight Looking Great!!


A) 5 mins max Turkish get ups
B) 3x Max effort toes to bar (in 5 min window)

A bit of Turkish get up fun! Not sure what Claudio is doing though??

Burping Randy

75 power snatches (35/25kg) for time with 5 burpees on the minute every minute
(15 min time cap)

Our midline stabilisation focus continued tonight. Some great controlled lifting and bang on form proving what an impact it is having!
Another tough but fun session! Really glad to see everyone is buying into this! Keep it up team!
Post scores in comments below…


Front squat 4×5

Run 400m
Run 300m
Box jumps
Run 200m
Run 100m

For time

Good effort all round tonight. Relish putting in some extra conditioning post WOD. With some good extra Olympic lifting practice after class!

Well done guys.

Post loads and times to comments;



Today’s burpees and wall balls

Coach carter getting his new CelticCrossFit by Belief, Skin out. Guaranteed to improve your performance- in stock at the box now!!

Back squat
4 x 6

5 min AMRAP
5 front squat
5 overhead squat

5 rounds for time
10 wallballs
10 burpees

Post loads and rounds/times to comments;

A great bouncing box this evening in the run up to the SICFIT LondonThrowdown. 11-12/02/12 with our team and individuals throwing down and many hitting the road to support, are you in?? ROAD TRIP!!!

Oh and any ideas who left their stuff out after WOD class 1 starts with G and rhymes with Eeves?!! I smell a ROW on the horizon!!!




Barbell fun tonight

Push Jerk 3×5

3 rounds for Time

10 Thrusters
10 Lateral burpees
50 Double Unders

Post loads and times to comments;

Remember to sign up at the box for your Saturday session and the Throwdown on Sunday a few going down to watch as well as Throwdown! Get some car shares sorted and get behind the guys taking part.