
The 2015 CrossFit Open has come to an end and the 2nd Celtic Crossfit Affiliate  Cup.

Another great year of in house competition and yet again expectations and limitations exceeded, with the first taste of the Open and competition for many and a definitive sign of improvement for many many Celtic Warriors during this years Open. Also a chance for reflection, contemplation and prioritising around the Strengths and weaknesses exposed during the last 5 weeks

with full results and Prizes to be announced very soon…


This week sees some Strength testing before the next exciting wave of training. This will allow you to maximise the efficiency of all the hard work you put in at the Box.

We will be following a phase of the Wendler 5/3/1 Strength training methods across 4 main lifts Back Squat, Deadlift, Press and the bench Press in conjunction with appropriate CrossFit WODs allowing you all to push your performance to the next level.

Ensure you keep record of all your upcoming 1RM lifts as these will form allow correct work on  varying percentages across 4 week cycles of training. Which will provide constant challenges and proven improvements across the lifts and your whole work capacity.


A) 1RM Press

B) 3 Rounds for Reps

30:30 With Partner


Push Press

KB Swing

Wall Ball


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