WOD 20.6.11

Warm up

bodyweight warm up

intro to squat clean

3 rep max Squat clean


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7 squat cleans

7 hollow rocks

7 bear crawls

for time

Post weight on Squat Clesn 3 rep max and time for wod to comments;

Some good progress again with our next stage in Olympic lifting, some decent numbers for first attempts. A reminder to many that they need to hit weaknesses specifically MOBILITY, otherwise it will always remain a limitation in your performance and improvement. Spend time becoming supple. It will pay you back ten times over from just 10 minutes a day- MOBILITY WOD- do it!!

2 thoughts on “WOD 20.6.11

  1. Need a lot of work on my mobility!
    13:50 for the WOD
    3 rep max 70kg – managed 2 x 8okg but technique needs a lot of work!

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